Operations Management

Operations management. In today's competitive environment, globalization and uncertainty, and operations that are critical to increasingly complex and demanding customers, executives noted that the success of organizations depends on the strategic and tactical decisions they make regarding their operations.
This explains why after many years of neglect, the management of operations in both manufacturing companies and the service is experiencing renewed interest. It is essential to quantify the impact of decisions in both the performance and cost of operations. Do so effectively and efficiently is the challenge that must be answered accurately. Beyond its mere professional experience, the professionals involved in operations need training in conceptual knowledge and master the management and quantitative tools for optimizing processes along the supply chain.
The integration of the supply chain (Supply Chain Management), agile manufacturing techniques, and the use of modeling, computer simulation and optimization are some signs of progress in the concepts of operations management in industries and services. In the coming years will be vital for managers of manufacturing companies and service the ability to efficiently manage operations and supply chain optimization for decision making endorsed in the development of generic skills to our corporate strategy.

• Master the techniques of modeling complex problems and computational simulation and optimization to find efficient solutions.
• Make decisions based management -tion in the use of these techniques.
• Lead the activities of an organization in the areas of Operations, Supply Chain and Projects.

This degree is aimed at executives and managers of functional areas that have strategic and operational responsibility for supply chain management, manufacturing, services, product development, trends, operations, logistics, distribution, maintenance and quality, and working in conjunction with the commercial areas, supply and production. It is also useful for those who have responsibilities and are directly linked to the processes of the supply chain. Turn, provides the ability to connect with colleagues in the local, regional and international markets, and build a network of contacts of high value for the development of new business opportunities.

One of the unique Masters in Operations Management accredited by CONEAU with balanced proportion between management and practical application tools.
• Practical application of existing problems in the supply chain with the use of simulation software itself.
• Rigorous interdisciplinary education for the practical implementation of real processes of the supply chain.
• Joining a valuable network of contacts among participants, and interaction with students first professional academic diversity.