Management skills

Management skills. Training development management leadership skills gives an idea about how to manage, as a holistic system. In this system, there is as basic management skills such as goal setting, planning, organization, motivation, control, and understanding of how to prioritize and find the criteria for informed decision-making.

This sequence of key actions of the head (management cycle), without which the achievement of the result-it's often just a lottery, in which someone is lucky and who is not.

Having mastered this system, the head gets a clear, proven over the years, the technology of success in management, using which to obtain the necessary, sometimes even outstanding business results is virtually guaranteed.

As is known, any concept is only useful if it is applicable in practice. To do this, this training includes a large number of role-playing games, practical exercises, group of cases that allow you to experience the application of new knowledge and skills immediately in the training. Also find for themselves that bridge that will link the resulting emotions and past experience with real business challenges head.

For example, participants on their experiences "get a feel" how subordinates perceive different forms of instructions, or what role should extend head when you need to solve the puzzle with many unknowns (in business this is very common),and much more.

After this training, participants will have:
Understanding of what needs to be done to improve the controllability of the head and the performance of the organization:
Knowing what specific tools for the manager and the extent to affect the final result:
Awareness of their resources and areas for further development as a manager:
Confidence that, driving with the help of technology, rather than random insights, you can achieve better results in their business, because successful experience in the application of new knowledge, models and concepts had already received the training.
The training program
Development of managerial leadership skills.

objectives of training
Develop the management skills of the head.
Master the technology of efficient management subordinates.
Realize your leadership style, and if you need to adjust it.
Learn motivating feedback for their employees.
Work out ways of non-financial motivation of subordinates, which saves on POF. Learn how to set specific tasks to subordinates in situations with a high degree of uncertainty.

Management cycle.
Stages and functions of the management cycle. Key leadership skills. 8 steps necessary to ensure the success of a manager.
Mastering stages of the management cycle - a necessary condition for the transition from specialist to head.
Analysis of completeness own management cycle of the head.
Typical errors of managers at each stage of the management cycle, and ways to prevent such errors.
Business game "Contract Manufacturing".

Result block.
Awareness of participants required sequence of steps in the management cycle. The ability to analyze their operations and management skills of their subordinates at every stage of the management cycle.
Individual assessment of their level of knowledge management skills.

Goal setting. How to choose a target. What are the factors to consider when setting goals. System functions of the organization.
How to formulate goals. 5 basic principles in order to aim the result. Setting goals for subordinates. Specification purpose.
Management by objectives and efficient management, what is the difference? How to set the task subordinates. As simple phrases are completely changing understanding subordinates (to solve the problem in the procedure, the outcome). Roleplay "I'm the boss - you do"

Result block.
Understanding how to choose the direction of the goal, and what factors to consider in its formation.
The ability to set specific, achievable goal.
Awareness of the difference in the problem statement on the process, the problem results.

    Motivation and organization of activities of subordinates.
The criteria by which the material is formed employee motivation.
Methods of non-financial motivation of subordinates and colleagues.
Balance of material and financial motivation in the company.
Principles of optimal distribution of tasks between the performers based on their individual qualities.
Areas of responsibility of subordinates.
Principles of delegation of authority and responsibility.
NLP techniques in management.
Role-playing game "Secret Experiment" (often used video collated).

Result block.
Awareness of its strategy of motivation of subordinates.
Ability to identify the type of motivation slave.
Knowing how to optimally distribute responsibility among participants of a business process.
Understanding the principles of delegation of authority.

  Management control.
Control in management. How to properly control your subordinates?
How to find a balance between trust and control? How and how often you want to monitor employees?
Principles feedback subordinates. How to motivate criticizing?
Control of administrative decisions.
Role-playing exercise, "Well ... you got!"

Result block.
Knowing how to form the intermediate control points.
Ability to check the work of subordinates, not reducing the motivation to achieve results.

Making informed decisions.
Coordinate system in the interests of the company. How to choose whose interests be taken into account to a greater extent in each case.
System timelines for decision. When you need to decide on the "now", and when you need to decide on the "next 10 years".
How to choose the criteria for the optimal solution.
Place of conscious and unconscious factors in the decision.
Individual and group forms of the decision.
Analysis of the main obstacles in translating decisions into action. Why do some solutions have stalled and how to avoid it?
Control execution of administrative decisions.
Role-playing game "Caliph an hour."

Result block.
Awareness of their decision-making strategies.
Ability to identify criteria for decision.
Knowledge of optimal group decision procedure.
Understanding the search path that hinder the implementation of the decisions taken.

  Manager's role and management styles.
Stages of development of the head (personal management, collective management system).
Necessary leadership role at every stage of its development.
Management styles, and how they relate to the types of tasks.
Management styles manager and successful non-verbal communication skills.
Identifying features of personal leadership style (using video).
Correction of personal leadership style. What are the benefits of the existing management style? How to maintain the existing benefits, adjust your management style and make it more efficient?
Business game "creative agency".

Result block.
Looking from the outside to your management style.
Awareness of the difference in the methods of setting goals.
The ability to set tasks to subordinates as needed.
Trying new individual leadership style.
Working methods of the training:

Channeled discussion.
Practical exercises in pairs and in small groups.
Role and role-playing.
Lecture insert.
Self-assessment and external evaluation of the leadership style of participants. Watching videos.
Case study participants.

This program is designed for 3 days.
Can be tailored to specific client needs.
In agreement with the customer possible option for the 2 day course.