Software Project Management

The term software project management may designate different types of software that aims to facilitate the work of project management. The work of software project management is usually to automate backup tasks and/or time management. For example, management systems versions or configuration management systems record different states of a project and keep track of the date of modification.

An important part of software project management are involved in project planning, that is to say, scheduling tasks for future performance. Several methods are used to schedule tasks including:

PERT with the determination of the critical path. This method is no longer used today by the software planning. The PERT method is a type AOA (Activity On Arcs) PDM (Precedence Diagram Method). This method is kind of AON (Activity is Noddles).
The PDM method is used by most software project planning.
the critical chain method scheduling methods based on location (for jobs whose productivity falls sharply when coactivity in an area)
An interesting alternative to these conventional methods existed for a few years some software project management focus instead on tracking outcomes (control via deliverables) to identify in advance the risk of slippages (budget overruns, delays) in order to secure projects. The methods used are mainly:
Operational monitoring (using a dashboard for comparing the actual project progress versus expected).
Tools to "zoom in" to deepen the analysis of data.
The automation of reporting available in real time.
The sharing of information between employees, enabling better synchronization of actors.