Fungi Species Mushroom Images
Clitocybe dealbata - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Clitocybe dealbata
Cap 2.0-4.0 cm broad, shallowly convex in youth, expanding to nearly plane with a slightly depressed to umbonate disc; margin incurved, then decurved to occasionally raised in age; surface canescent, white, ashy-grey to greyish-tan; streaked or water-spotted at maturity; context thin, 3.0-4.0 mm thick at the disc, 1-2 mm at the margin; context soft, cream-buff, unchanging; odor mild; taste mild to slightly astringent with time.
Clitocybe deceptiva - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Clitocybe deceptiva
Cap 1.2-5 cm broad, convex expanding to nearly plane, the disc sometimes slightly to moderately depressed; margin at first incurved, finely striate when moist; surface smooth, hygrophanous, pale tan-brown to grey-brown, fading to pale-buff at maturity, the disk remaining slightly darker; flesh thin, colored like the cap, unchanging; odor of anise; taste mild.
Clitocybe fragrans - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Clitocybe fragrans
California Fungi—Clitocybe fragrans
Clitocybe glacialis - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Clitocybe glacialis
Cap 2.0 6.0 cm broad, convex, sometimes with a low umbo; margin incurved, then decurved, occasionally wavy; surface canescent, pale-grey to silvery-grey over a greyish-brown to ochre-brown background, the latter more evident with handling and age; context relatively thin, pallid, soft, unchanging when injured; odor and taste not distinctive.
Clitocybe inversa - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Clitocybe inversa
Cap 2-9 cm broad, convex, expanding to nearly plane, the disc depressed to shallowly infundibulate; margin at first incurved, sometimes undulate to slightly lobed; surface moist, smooth, hygrophanous, color variable: shades of orange, pink and brown, e.g. pinkish-buff, pale orange-brown, pinkish-brown to cinnamon-brown, the margin usually lighter; flesh thin, concolorous with the cap, unchanging; odor slightly fragrant; taste mild to fungal.
Clitocybe nebularis - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Clitocybe nebularis
Cap 5-25 cm broad; convex with an incurved margin, becoming plane to depressed; color greyish to light brownish grey; surface dry to moist, radially fibrillose; flesh thick, white; odor unpleasant, slightly farinaceous to rancid or skunky.
Clitocybe nuda - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Clitocybe nuda
Cap 4-14 cm broad, convex, becoming nearly plane in age, margin inrolled, wavy, sometimes upturned at maturity; surface smooth, moist, violet to lilac, fading to tan; flesh soft, pale-lilac; odor fragrant, taste mild.
Clitocybe odora - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Clitocybe odora
California Fungi—Clitocybe odora
Clitocybe sclerotoidea - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Clitocybe sclerotoidea
Cap 1.0-3.0 (4.0) cm broad, convex, expanding to nearly plane, with or without a low umbo; margin when young sometimes sulcate-striate or wavy, tomentose, incurved, in age decurved to plane, occasionally raised; surface dry, dull, glabrous or with appressed fibrils, the latter unevenly tan-brown over a cream to pale-grey ground color; context white, firm, up to 4.0 mm thick, unchanging when cut; odor not distinctive; taste mild.
Clitocybe squamulosa var. montana - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Clitocybe squamulosa var. montana
California Fungi—Clitocybe squamulosa var. montana
Clitocybe tarda - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Clitocybe tarda
Cap 2-6 cm broad, convex, expanding to nearly plane, in age often shallowly depressed, with an inconspicuous umbo; margin at first incurved, then decurved, eventually plane to slightly upturned, wavy to lobed, not striate, or if so obscurely; surface glabrous, moist, somewhat waxy in aspect, hygrophanous; color when fresh, medium brown, occasionally tinged lilac, darkest at the disc, shading to a paler margin, in age tan-buff overall; context whitish to pale-buff, soft, thin, 1-4 mm thick, odor indistinct, taste, like that of Agaricus bisporus.
Clitocybula abundans  - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Clitocybula abundans
California Fungi—Clitocybula abundans
Clitopilus nitellinus - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Clitopilus nitellinus
Cap 1.0-4.0 cm broad, convex, expanding to nearly plane, occasionally centrally depressed or with a low umbo; margin incurved in youth, translucent striate, becoming decurved to raised in age; surface, glabrous, hygrophanous, dull reddish-brown to orange-brown, drying to pinkish-buff or pale-tawny; context 1.0-2.0 mm thick at disc, firm, cream-buff, gradually tinged like the cap when cut or injured; odor and taste farinaceous.
Clitopilus prunulus - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Clitopilus prunulus
Cap 2.5-9.0 cm broad, convex, broadly so in age, the disc sometimes depressed; margin even to wavy, inrolled when young, becoming decurved, plane to elevated at maturity; surface inconspicuously matted-fibrillose (use hand lens), viscid when wet, otherwise sticky, unpolished, light-grey, darker where handled, fading to ash-grey; context white, unchanging, soft, up to 1 cm thick at the disc; odor and taste strongly farinaceous.
Coccoli: Amanita lanei - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Coccoli: Amanita lanei
Cap 8-25 cm broad, convex, becoming nearly plane in age; margin decurved to plane at maturity, conspicuously striate; surface sticky when moist, smooth, typically partially covered with a thick, white patch of universal veil tissue; color variable: dark-brown, orange brown, (typical form), yellow-brown, lemon-yellow in a spring form, white in a rare variant; colors fading in age, often to buff or pale-tan; flesh white to cream, thick; odor mild.
Collybia acervata: Gymnopus acervatus - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Collybia acervata: Gymnopus acervatus
Cap 0.5-3.0 cm broad, convex when young with an incurved margin, at maturity broadly convex, the margin then decurved; surface glabrous, subviscid when fresh, dingy reddish-brown to vinaceous-brown, hygrophanous, fading when dry to buff-brown; context thin, 1-2 mm thick, colored like the cap, unchanging when cut; odor not distinctive; taste slightly bitter.
Collybia badiialba: Rhodocollybia badiialba - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Collybia badiialba: Rhodocollybia badiialba
Cap 3-6 cm broad, convex, sometimes with a low umbo expanding to nearly plane at maturity, the disc then sometimes slightly depressed; margin entire to wavy, decurved, becoming more or less plane to slightly upturned; surface glabrous, lubricous, dark reddish-brown, the margin pallid, fading overall in age; odor and taste mild.
Collybia butyracea: Rhodocollybia butyracea - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Collybia butyracea: Rhodocollybia butyracea
Cap 2.5-6.5 cm broad, convex, becoming broadly convex to nearly plane with a low umbo; margin incurved when young, sometimes upturned at maturity; surface smooth, lubricous, reddish-brown, tawny brown to greyish-brown, darkest at the disk, lighter in age; flesh white, thin, soft, unchanging; odor, fungal; taste mild.
Collybia cirrhata - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Collybia cirrhata
Synonym: Microcollybia cirrhata (Pers.) Lennox
Collybia cookei - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Collybia cookei
Synonym: Microcollybia cookei (Bres.) Lennox
Collybia dryophila: Gymnopus dryophilus - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Collybia dryophila: Gymnopus dryophilus
Cap 2-5 cm broad, convex, expanding to nearly plane, sometimes slightly umbonate; margin incurved, becoming decurved, at maturity occasionally wavy to upturned; surface smooth, moist, hygrophanous, color varying from reddish-brown, ochraceous-brown to buff-brown, the margin lighter, in age fading to buff; flesh white, thin, unchanging; odor and taste mild.
Collybia racemosa: Dendrocollybia racemosa - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Collybia racemosa: Dendrocollybia racemosa
Cap 0.7-1.5 cm in diameter, broadly conic, becoming convex, eventually plano-convex, the disc slightly umbonate; (in some specimens the cap may be greatly reduced or absent); margin decurved, becoming plane to raised, entire, eroded or wavy; surface dull brown, glabrous at the disc, elsewhere appressed silky-fibrillose, grey-brown, paler towards the margin, sometimes faintly zonate; context thin, less than 1.0 mm thick, grey; odor, not distinctive; taste mild.
Collybia umbonata: Caulorhiza umbonata - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Collybia umbonata: Caulorhiza umbonata
Cap 5-15 cm broad, conic with an incurved margin and pointed umbo, becoming planoconvex, the disc then sometimes shallowly depressed but still umbonate; in age the margin wavy, fluted to upturned; surface moist, hygrophanous, smooth, ochraceous-brown, buff-brown to dingy tawny-brown, fading overall at maturity; flesh thin, pallid to cream; odor and taste mild.
Coltricia cinnamomea - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Coltricia cinnamomea
Cap 1.0-5.0 cm broad, shallowly to strongly infundibuliform, sometimes merely plano-depressed or umbilicate; margin at maturity deflexed, wavy, thin, entire to eroded; when young, growing around and incorporating twigs and debris; surface reddish-brown, rust-brown, to chestnut-brown, usually faintly-zonate, velutinate at the disc, elsewhere silky to coarsely, appressed fibrils, if the former, then somewhat shiny in appearance; context thin, 0.5-2.0 mm thick, colored like the cap surface, blackish with 3% KOH; odor and taste untried.
Coltricia perennis - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Coltricia perennis
Cap 1.0-7.0 cm broad, plano-depressed to funnel-form or umbilicate; margin straight to wavy, frequently deflexed at maturity; surface dull, matted-tomentose (use hand-lens), sometimes faintly wrinkled, with usually well-defined bands of cinnamon-brown, beige, yellowish-brown and greyish-tan, the actively growing margin lighter; specimens in exposed locations greyish with age; context pliant when fresh, rigid and hard when dry, medium-brown to rust-brown, 1.0-3.0 mm thick, blackish with 3% KOH; odor and taste untried.
Conocybe filaris - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Conocybe filaris
Cap 1-2.5 cm broad, obtuse-conic to convex, expanding to nearly plane, sometimes with a slight umbo; margin decurved, plane to slightly upturned in age; surface glabrous to faintly wrinkled, striate when moist, otherwise obscurely so, butterscotch-brown to dull tawny-brown, the margin paler, fading when dry (hygrophanous) to cream-buff; context thin, 1-1.5 mm thick, cream-buff to tan-buff, unchanging or darkening only slightly when exposed; odor and taste mild.
Conocybe lactea - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Conocybe lactea
Cap 0.5-2.5 cm broad, obtuse-conic, occasionally expanding to convex; margin decurved, sometimes slightly upturned in age; surface dry, smooth, striate approximately halfway from the margin to to the disc, at maturity often faintly wrinkled; color: white to cream, the disc pale yellow-brown, senescing to pale-buff overall; flesh very thin, fragile, buff to dull pale-brown; odor and taste mild.
Conocybe tenera - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Conocybe tenera
Pileus 10-25 mm broad, bell-shaped, becoming convex with a decurved margin; surface smooth, hygrophanous, striate, obscurely so in age, at first light-brown, fading to dull, buff-brown or ochraceous-brown; flesh thin, cream-buff; odor and taste mild.
Coprinellus angulatus - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Coprinellus angulatus
Cap 1.5-3.0 cm broad, broadly parabolic to obtuse-conic, becoming campanulate to plano-convex, in age, margin upturned, torn, and deliquescent; surface glabrous to the unaided eye, minutely hairy viewed with a hand lens, striate-plicate at the margin, striations extending to near the disc, the latter buff-brown to dingy tawny-brown, shading to greyish-buff towards the margin; context thin, membranous; odor and taste not distinctive.
Coprinellus disseminatus - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Coprinellus disseminatus
Cap 0.5-1.5 cm broad, narrowly to broadly parabolic, expanding sometimes to convex or bell-shaped; surface dry, minutely hairy but usually glabrous at maturity, striate-furrowed to near the disc, the margin striate-sulcate; color: pale yellow-brown to tawny-brown at the disc, shading to a lighter margin, becoming pale grey-brown in age except for the disc; flesh thin, soft, fragile; odor mild.
Coprinellus flocculosus - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Coprinellus flocculosus
Cap cylindrical-ovoid in youth, up to 3.0 cm tall, 1.5 cm wide, becoming obtuse-conic to campanulate, eventually broadly-conic to nearly plane, 2.0-4.0 cm fully expanded; margin decurved at first, slightly wavy, striate to near the disc, soon plicate, in age recurved and torn; surface dull yellowish, mustard-brown, to buff at the disc, paler towards the margin, greyish at maturity; cap surface covered with evanescent, whitish to buff, felty, universal veil fragments, these concentrated at the disc; context thin, approximately 1.0 mm at the disc, colored like the disc; deliquescent; odor and taste not distinctive.
Coprinellus micaceus - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Coprinellus micaceus
Cap 2-5 cm broad, cylindrical to oval, becoming conic, finally campanulate; yellow-brown, conspicuously striate to corrugate, covered with evanescent glistening granules; margin becoming torn, sometimes upturned in age, deliquescing towards the center; flesh thin, soft, white.
Coprinopsis atramentaria - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Coprinopsis atramentaria
Cap 3-8 cm broad, oval, becoming conic, finally campanulate in age; grey-brown, dry, with innate silky fibrils; disc darker, usually with small flattened scales; margin striate to corrugated, deliquescing towards the center; flesh thin, pallid.
Coprinopsis ephemeroides - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Coprinopsis ephemeroides
Cap ellipsoid to bullet-shaped in youth, 4-7 mm tall x 2-3 mm wide, becoming obtuse-conic to convex, then plane, 7 to 12 mm expanded; margin at first incurved, then decurved, revolute in age; surface plicate-striate, covered with whitish granules which become pale-yellow and coarser at the disc; cap becoming ash-grey overall as the gills mature; context membranous, watery-grey, deliquescing in age; odor and taste mild.
Coprinopsis friesii - Fungi Species | sokos jishebi | სოკოს ჯიშები Coprinopsis friesii
Cap 0.5-1.5 cm broad, at first ellipsoid, then obtuse-conic, eventually broadly-conic to nearly plane; margin incurved, becoming decurved, radially split, and revolute at maturity; surface striate to near the disc, white to ash-grey, darker-grey in age, covered with small, pallid to tan-colored, evanescent scales, concentrated at the disc; context membranous, weakly deliquescent; odor not distinctive; taste untried.
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