Catathelasma imperiale
Solitary to gregarious under conifers in northern North America and Europe. In California it is known from Humboldt, Del Norte, and Mendocino counties. |
Cauliflower mushroom: Sparassis crispa
Fruiting body 20 cm broad, 40 cm tall, sometimes larger, a rounded mass of flattened, wavy, leaf-like branches, white to pale yellow; branch edges discoloring brown in age; arising from a large root-like sterile base, the upper portion appearing chambered when sectioned, solid below; flesh white. Hymenium on the flattened surfaces of the fruiting body. Odor fragrant, somewhat spicy. |
Caulorhiza umbonata
Cap 5-15 cm broad, conic with an incurved margin and pointed umbo, becoming planoconvex, the disc then sometimes shallowly depressed but still umbonate; in age the margin wavy, fluted to upturned; surface moist, hygrophanous, smooth, ochraceous-brown, buff-brown to dingy tawny-brown, fading overall at maturity; flesh thin, pallid to cream; odor and taste mild. |
Chaetothiersia vernalis
Gregarious to caespitose on decaying coniferous wood and bark and on woody debris in soil; Sierra Nevada mountains, spring. |
Chalciporus piperatoides
Cap 2.5-6.0 cm broad, convex, broadly convex in age; margin decurved, becoming nearly plane at maturity; surface sticky when moist, otherwise dry, matted-tomentose, chamois-like, areolate in dry weather; color variable: ochre, rusty-brown, tan to cinnamon-brown, often tinged vinaceous; context up to 1.5 cm thick, pale tawny-buff, soft, bluing erratically; odor: fruity-aromatic; taste: peppery. |
Chamonixia ambigua
Solitary to scattered to gregarious; hypogeous under live oak.; coastal California; uncommon. |
Champignon: Agaricus campestris
Cap 5-10 cm broad, convex, broadly convex in age, often with a low umbo; margin incurved, decurved to occasionally upturned in senescent specimens; surface dry, smooth, fibrillose to finely scaled in dry weather; color: white to ashy-grey; context white, thick, unchanging when bruised or in KOH; odor and taste mild. |
Cheilymenia fimicola
Apothecia sessile, cylindrical to cushion-shaped, becoming shallowly cupulate to saucer-shaped, 1.0-4.0 (5) mm broad; margin upturned, even to wavy, with pale-tan, bristle-like hairs; hymenium red-orange to yellowish-orange, glabrous, plane to concave; exterior surface lighter than the disc, with scattered, pallid, stiff hairs; context fleshy, thin, orange; odor and taste not investigated. |
Chicken Lips: Leotia viscosa
Cap 1.5-3.0 cm broad, hemispheric to convex, the disc occasionally depressed; margin inrolled, wavy, sometimes lobed; surface viscid when moist, more or less glabrous, dull olive-green; lower surface pallid; flesh gelatinous. |
Chlorociboria aeruginascens
Fruiting bodies aerugineus-green (blue-green); apotheca cup to discoid shaped, 3-10mm broad at maturity; stipitate to sub-stipitate with the stipe typically laterally attached. |
Chlorociboria aeruginosa
Scattered to gregarious on wood; the wood usually stained blue-green by the mycelium of the fungus. |
Chlorophyllum brunneum
Cap 7-20 cm broad, subglobose to pulvinate, becoming convex to nearly plane in age; surface dry, brown, smooth, breaking up into coarse, brown, concentrically arranged scales except for the disc where the cuticle remains intact; margin inrolled at first, frequently appendiculate; flesh thick, white, discoloring yellow-orange, darkening to reddish-brown. |
Chlorophyllum molybdites
Cap 5.0-15.0 (20) cm broad, paraboloid, to obtuse-conic when young, expanding to plano-convex, the disc slightly raised or depressed at maturity; margin shaggy from veil fragments in youth, incurved, becoming decurved, in age plane to elevated, occasionally wavy; surface of immature caps, brown, sometimes with vinaceous tints, glabrous to slightly matted-tomentose; with cap expansion the cuticle cracking, forming coarse, brown concentrically arranged, these, smaller and sparser towards the margin, background color white to buff-brown; context white, firm in youth, soft in age, sporadically carrot-orange to vinaceous when injured; odor and taste not distinctive. |
Chromosera cyanophylla
Cap 1.0-2.5 cm broad at maturity, at first convex, becoming plano-convex, in age the disc broadly flattened, depressed or umbillicate; margin translucent-striate to near the disc, incurved in youth, then decurved, occasionally plane at maturity; surface glabrous, viscid, lavender to lilac, soon fading to yellowish or yellowish-tan; context thin, < 1 mm, pallid, unchanging; odor indistinct; taste mild. |
Chroogomphus ochraceus
Cap 2.5-9.0 cm broad, convex in youth, with or without a low umbo, nearly plane to centrally depressed in age; margin at first incurved, then decurved, even to wavy, occasionally upturned; surface viscid when moist, glabrous, when young dark-greyish-brown to vinaceous-grey over an ochraceous ground color, becoming vinaceous overall in age; context pale apricot-orange, soft, moderately thick at the disc, rapidly thinning toward the margin, unchanging when cut or bruised, vinaceous with 3% KOH, odor not distinctive, taste mild. |
Chroogomphus vinicolor
Cap 3.0-9.0 cm broad, convex, broadly so in age, occasionally with a pointed umbo; margin inrolled, then incurved, decurved at maturity; surface viscid when moist, drying shiny, glabrous to to appressed fibrillose, mahogany brown to reddish-brown; flesh thick, orange to salmon, unchanging, vinaceous with 3% KOH; odor not distinctive, taste mild. |
Chrysomphalina aurantiaca
Synonyms: Omphalia aurantiaca Peck; Omphalina luteicolor Murrill; Clitocybe luteicolor (Murrill) Bigelow & Smith |
Chrysomphalina chrysophylla
Pileus 1-5 cm broad, convex, broadly so in age, often with a depressed disc; margin incurved at first, becoming decurved, occasionally wavy; surface innately fibrillose to finely scaled, greyish-brown, light-brown to apricot-brown over a dull yellowish ground color, palest at the margin, fading overall in age; flesh thin, pale yellow-orange, unchanging; odor and taste mild. |
Clathrus ruber
Fruiting body 4-7 cm broad, rounded to pulvinate; peridium thin, white, irregularly bumpy over an inner gelatinous layer; fruiting body expanding and rupturing to reveal a pale orange to reddish-orange, hollow, fragile, lattice-work structure, the inner surface lined with a sticky, fetid-odored gleba; rhizomorphs (thickened mycelium) are characteristically found at the base of fruiting bodies. |
Clavaria vermicularis
Fruiting body 3-9 cm tall, 2-4 mm thick, simple, branches rounded to flattened in cross-section, often curved, tapering to a blunt or pointed tip; surface smooth, white, becoming yellowish in age especially at the tips; flesh white, fragile. |
Clavariadelphus occidentalis
Cap 7-17 cm tall, 1-5 cm thick, club-shaped, rounded at apex, tapering to the base, usually unbranched, surface smooth but becoming wrinkled or grooved at maturity; color yellowish at apex, yellowish-brown to pinkish brown overall, base pallid; flesh white staining reddish-brown when cut; taste mild to bitter. |
Clavariadelphus truncatus
Fruiting body club-shaped, simple, 4-13 cm tall, 3-6 cm wide, tapering to a narrowed base, lacking a distinct stipe and cap; apex typically flattened or depressed at the center, the margin often raised and irregularly bumpy; surface elsewhere more or less smooth to longitudinally wrinkled or grooved; color pinkish-brown to orange-brown below, shading to yellowish-orange at the apex, whitish and hairy at the base; flesh white to yellowish, firm when young, soft at maturity, darkening when injured; odor mild, taste mild to sweet. |
Clavulina cinerea
Fruiting body up to 9 cm tall, 6 cm wide, moderately branched, arising from a common base; individual branches often sinuous, tending to produce a flattened or "crested" apical growth, the tips pointed or rounded; surface smooth to slightly wrinkled, dull from a powdery bloom, lilac-grey to, grey, becoming greyish-brown in age; stipe short or absent; context pallid, brittle; odor and taste mild. |
Clavulina cristata
Fruiting body coralloid, erect, 3-7 cm tall, 2-4 cm broad, branched 3-4 times, tips with short, tooth-like projections; base 2.0 cm tall, consisting of fused branches; surface smooth to slightly wrinkled, white, becoming cream, sometimes tinged yellowish in age, the branch tips typically ochraceous-brown; flesh white to marbled, unchanging; odor and taste mild. |
Clavulinopsis laeticolor
Fruiting body slender, cylindrical to slightly club-shaped, usually unbranched, 2-5 cm tall, 1.5-3 mm thick, straight to slightly curved in profile, sometimes flattened in cross-section; apex obtuse to spatulate, less commonly pointed, usually tapering toward the base; surface smooth, yellow-orange to orange, yellow below, typically pallid to white at the base; flesh pale-yellow, pliant, turning yellow-green to green in 10% KOH; odor and taste mild. |
Clitocybe albirhiza
Cap 2.0-9.0 cm broad, convex, expanding to plane, sometimes centrally depressed to infundibuliform in age; margin incurved, then decurved, at times wavy to upturned; surface hygrophanous, cinnamon-brown to butterscotch-brown overlain with a whitish sometimes zonate canescence; cap surface at maturity more or less glabrous to finely cracked, uniformly buff to dingy-tan; context thin, 1.0-2.0 mm, soft, pallid, unchanging; odor, indistinct; taste slightly bitter to astringent. |