The stock marketNevertheless, the increase in the registered share strategists Ifo index with benevolence. In particular, the component of the business expectations surveyed 7,000 applies in the stock market as an important indicator for future economic development. It rose by 0.9 points to 103.3, slightly more than expected. "The stock market is future expectations, and therefore the Ifo expectations index is for us an important indicator," says Uwe String, an equity strategist at Landesbank Baden- Württemberg: "If the expectations component forms a high point and tilt threatens, then this usually happens at the same time in Dax." The Ifo index is regarded as particularly valid Generally keeps prank the survey-based economic indicators for the better." They provide a faster and usually a more accurate reflection of the state of the economy than the often published with weeks or months of delay economic data," says Streich: "No Macro indicator increases faster current mood on the stock market, at best, this happens at the same time as the Ifo expectation index." In the U.S. index of leading indicators therefore go the development of the stock market as a component with a. |