Red Jonaprince
Jonagold has become an important variety in the United States and Europe due to its exceptional eating quality, large fruit size and high yield potential.
Red Rome Beauty
A red sport of Rome Beauty. The most widely planted strain of Rome. Fruit is solid red and of the same quality as Rome Beauty. We feel this is the premium Red Rome for the fresh market industry.
Red Winesap
An improved all-red Winesap. Fruit is very firm, medium in size and matures 5 days after Snapp Stayman. Flavor is more stringent than Stayman. Exhibits less cracking than Red Stayman. Trees should be planted on dwarf stock and kept open to maintain fruit color characteristics.
Red Yorking
This sport of York Imperial colors earlier and has more complete color. The premium processing apple.
Another of the disease resistant apple cultivars, Redfree matures in early August. This is considered a dessert quality apple with bright red color over a yellow background. The tree is semi-upright and crops annually. It is resistant to apple scab and cedar apple rust and has moderate resistance to fire blight and powdery mildew.
Rogers Red McIntosh
Good coloring McIntosh selection suitable for northern-most McIntosh districts. Good storage qualities and winter hardiness. A long time standard of Red McIntosh strains.
Royal Court
Discovered as a limb sport of original Cortland by Jacob Hartenhof of Waterville, Nova Scotia. Royal Court is an improved strain coloring to a solid blush. This selection has now been fruited by many growers in the Northeast, and is considered superior to all other Cortland strains. Offered exclusively by ACN.
Royal Empire
An early coloring strain of the original Empire, discovered at Teeple Farms, Wolcott, NY. This selection colors to a deep scarlet red with a faint stripe and matures with Empire. Royal Empire is equivalent in every aspect to the original Empire, but provides improved coloring.
Offered through license agreement with International Plant Management, RubyMac is a very promising, early-coloring blush McIntosh.
Rhode Island Greening
Rhode Island Greening is one of the best American culinary apples. Described by William Kendrick in his book The New American Orchardist (1833) as "... tender, rich, juicy, of an agreeable flavor in which acid predominates" - an excellent summary of the key attributes of a good kitchen apple.
Ribston Pippin
A particuarly handsome apple, thought to be one of the parents of Cox's Orange Pippin. It has some of the aromatic qualities of that variety when eaten fresh, but is noticeably sharper in flavor - and for this reason is often used in the kitchen as well.
Roxbury Russet
Roxbury Russet is an apple variety that traces its history right back to the colonial era, and it is thought to be the oldest apple variety originating in North America - almost certainly a seedling of a European variety brought over by the early colonists. It remains popular as a variety for gardens and small orchards, not just for its history but because it is also a good all-round apple.