Hampshire Mac
A McIntosh-type apple discovered by Erick Leadbeater of Contoocook, NH. The fruit is 90% red and very firm, with a crisp, juicy texture. Ripening two to three weeks later than conventional McIntosh, Hampshire Mac provides the opportunity to extend the McIntosh Season.
Hardy Cumberland
An heirloom variety, Hardy Cumberland is best suited for southern districts. It is a late season variety showing good scab resistance. The tree is vigorous, hardy and productive. Fruit is medium in size, crisp with good flavor.
This exceptional variety was developed from a Macoun x Honeygold cross at the University of Minnesota. The fruit is mostly orange-red with a yellow background. This crisp, juicy, sweet apple has a rich flavor that has made it #1 in taste panels. The fruit averages 3 inches and up, matures ten days before Red Delicious, has a two week harvest window and stores well. Outstanding winter hardiness gives this variety excellent potential for northern growing areas, particularly for roadside markets and pick-your-own operations.