Large multi-purpose apple, good for fresh eating, sauce, and juice. Color is red stripe over yellow background with a cream-colored, medium-firm flesh. Freedom blooms three days after McIntosh and ripens with Red Delicious. Tree is resistant to apple scab and moderately resistant to mildew and fire blight.
Fuji (Brak Cltv)
Highly colored striped strain of Fuji, maturing at the same time as original Fuji. This strain was selected for its outstanding fruit color development, quality and flavor. Fruit is large with a pronounced stripe. Tree is vigorous, spreading and requires aggressive thinning to avoid bi-annual cropping. This strain appears to be less prone to sunburn when grown under eastern conditions.
Fulford Gala
A solid blush strain of Gala originating in Hastings, New Zealand. The Fulford strain matures three to four days ahead of other Gala strains. Color is a bright orange-red with yellow background. Fulford Gala is a larger sized Gala, with a blush red rather than stripe. An excellent choice for roadside markets and pick-your-own. Fulford Gala is a registered trademark of Interplant Patent Marketing.
Florina is a modern scab-resistant apple variety. Although developed in France, its parentage is primarily American, being derived from Jonathan crossed with Golden Delicious and Rome Beauty among others.
Freyberg is a relatively unknown apple variety, yet it has an excellent pedigree - it is a cross between the English Cox's Orange Pippin and the American Golden Delicious, two outstanding but very different apples.