Tricholoma griseoviolaceum
Cap 4-11 cm broad, broadly conic, the margin often undulate, becoming convex-umbonate; surface viscid when moist, purpulish-grey to brownish-grey, radially streaked, darkest at the disk, in age turning drab-brown; flesh thin, pallid to pale grey; odor and taste, farinaceous, especially in age.
Gills adnate to notched, moderately broad, pallid, dingy pale-buff in age.
6-14 cm tall, 1-2 cm thick, stuffed, equal to tapering to the base; surface pallid to white, moist, obscurely striate above with a scattering of brown fibrils below; flesh pallid, unchanging; veil absent.
Spores 5-7 x 3.5-5 µm, elliptical, smooth; spore print white
Solitary to gregarious under oaks (Quercus) and tanoak (Lithocarpus); fruiting from early to mid-winter.
Unknown. It has probably been eaten when misidentified as Tricholoma portentosum, an edible species.
Tricholoma griseoviolaceum is recognzied by a viscid, purplish-grey to greyish-brown, radially streaked cap, pallid to light grey gills, and farinaceous odor. Tricholoma virgatum is similar in coloration, but is not viscid, has a more conic cap when young and lacks a distinct farinaceous odor.