Swiss Black-Brown Mountain
The Swiss Black-Brown Mountain originates from the ancient Swiss breeds Jura, Simmentaler, Saanen, Frutiger, Roux de Bagnes and Freiburger. It is a polled, medium-sized sheep, deep, and broad. The coat color is either black, chestnut colored, or light brown. Head and legs are clear of wool, covered with short black or brown hairs. The fleece of the Swiss Black-Brown Mountain is of single-color, thick, and close-cropped.
Due to the Merino ancestry, the wool is fine and strong and is remarkable for its strength and elasticity. No kemp or white fibers are allowed. The ewes lamb quite often twice a year and have 1.7 lambs on average, thus making them an ideal mother race for crossings with meat producing rams. Swiss Black-Brown Mountain lambs, both purebred or crossbred, kill out significantly better than the Tyrol Mountain. Their bone is light, with a commendable meat to bone ratio.
Breed categories: medium wool, meat /
Distribution: Switzerland, Austria, Italy, Germany