Rose Varieties Species Tulip Peonies Varieties
Parfumé de Grande - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Parfumé de Grande
This large pastel pink has, as the name suggests, a truly exquisite fragrance that lasts from bud through to the fully open bloom stage. This rose with its many petals and on opening reveals an image of an English garden rose. This unique variety is the first truly fragrant, garden look rose that satisfies the florist’s requirement for good vase life making it the choice for those seeking beauty and fragrance in a cut rose.
Party Girl - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Party Girl
A thornless variety with firm buds that open into elegant blooms of a vibrant hot pink that maintains its colour during all stages of flowering.
Penelope - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Penelope
A strong, branching and healthy shrub bearing large trusses of creamy-pink flowers with great freedom; repeating well. Small coral-pink hips. Fragrant. One of the best in its class. 6 ft. x 6 ft. (8 ft. as climber)
Pink Scentsation - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Pink Scentsation
This is a clear mid pink variety that opens quartered into a cottage style rose with its thornless stems and heady scent we believe it will be very popular for those looking for a garden rose style bouquet or arrangement.
Princess Alexandra of Kent - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Princess Alexandra of Kent
We are very honoured to name this rose for Princess Alexandra, who is a cousin to Queen Elizabeth II. She is a keen gardener and great lover of roses. The rose that bears her name has unusually large flowers of a warm, glowing pink. They are full-petalled and deeply cupped in shape, all enclosed in a ring of outer petals of a softer pink; creating a most pleasing effect. In spite of their size, they are never clumsy; being held nicely poised on a well-rounded shrub. Because of their size, there is a lot to be said for planting in groups of three, keeping both flowers and growth nicely balanced. They have a delicious fresh Tea fragrance which, interestingly, changes completely to lemon as the flower ages – eventually taking on additional hints of blackcurrants. It is very healthy. 3.5 x 2.5ft.
Princess Anne - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Princess Anne
An exciting new development, stemming from an entirely new line in breeding. It has an overall character that is very different from any other rose we know, having its own very special beauty yet retaining the classic full-petalled flowers of an English Rose. The young flower is deep pink, almost red, gradually fading to a pure deep pink as the bloom matures. The undersides of the petals have a pleasing hint of yellow. The petals are rather narrow and unusually substantial. The growth is upright and the foliage is rather thick, succulent and highly polished. Remarkably resistant to disease. It flowers over a long period and in large clusters; the individual blooms opening in succession. There is a Tea Rose fragrance of medium strength. The compact, bushy growth makes this rose ideal for borders or it would be a great choice for hedging. We are honoured to name this after the Her Royal Highness, the Princess Royal who is patron of Riding for the Disabled. The charity offers opportunities for therapy, achievement and enjoyment to people with disabilities. 3 x 2ft.
Queen Elizabeth - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Queen Elizabeth
This rose is in a class of its own for its quite exceptional vigour. Numerous clear pink, globular flowers on long upright stems, with large glossy leaves. It is very much for the back of the border, or for a position where other roses might not grow. 4 ft., or up to 7 ft. if very lightly pruned. Indestructible.
Queen of Denmark - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Queen of Denmark
One of the finest of all the Old Roses. Large, beautifully formed, quartered flowers of soft glowing pink; to which its grey-green leaves provide a perfect foil. 5 ft. X 4 ft.
Queen of Sweden - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Queen of Sweden
Here we have a rose of exceptional freshness and beauty. The flowers start as charming little buds, gradually opening out to form wide but shallow cups. These are beautiful at all stages, and have a pleasing formality of form. The colour is the softest glowing pink with hints of apricot. This rose forms a rather upright and bushy shrub and has attractive Musk Rose foliage that is exceptionally free of disease. The growth is short to medium in height. This is an excellent rose for bedding, borders or for arrangement in the house; the flowers lasting several days in water. There is a light myrrh fragrance. 4 ft. x 2.5 ft.
Queen of Sweden - Own Root - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Queen of Sweden - Own Root
Here we have a rose of exceptional freshness and beauty. The flowers start as charming little buds, gradually opening out to form wide but shallow cups. These are beautiful at all stages, and have a pleasing formality of form. The colour is the softest glowing pink with hints of apricot. This rose forms a rather upright and bushy shrub and has attractive Musk Rose foliage that is exceptionally free of disease. The growth is short to medium in height. This is an excellent rose for bedding, borders or for arrangement in the house; the flowers lasting several days in water. There is a light myrrh fragrance. 4 ft. x 2.5 ft.
Rainbow Knock Out - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Rainbow Knock Out
A beautiful, pink version of Knock Out® with a glorious yellow eye. Shares the same continuous flowering, excellent health, drought tolerance and good hardiness of the other Knock Out® roses. 3ft. x 4ft.
Salmonie - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Salmonie
This is a new salmon pink variety which fits snugly between the pastel and bold pink rose varieties. It has firm attractive tall elegant buds that open uniformly into large well defined blooms that maintain their colour intensity from picking stage to fully open.
Scarborough Fair - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Scarborough Fair
It is easy to be over-impressed with sheer size in a rose; particularly a new one. This rose has a more modest beauty. It is one of a group of varieties like ‘Corvedale’, ‘Windflower’, that is descended from the old Alba Roses. These roses have much of the simple charm of the Albas as well as their hardiness, but repeat-flower with remarkable regularity. The petals in the bud curl around to form a ball, which opens to a perfect little cupped flower of pure soft pink; eventually opening wide to reveal a blush pink flower of the utmost delicacy; displaying a bunch of golden stamens. Charming at all stages. The growth of this rose is short and quite upright, yet robust and bushy. It flowers with remarkable freedom and continuity from June until the Autumn. Very healthy, tough and reliable - as we might expect from its Alba antecedents. An ideal rose for a position towards the front of the border, or even for planting in a rose bed. There is a delightful light to medium fresh ‘green’ Old Rose fragrance; sometimes tending towards Musk. We have taken the name from the old song. 2.5 ft. x 2 ft.
Scepter'd Isle - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Scepter'd Isle
This is a charming rose which bears numerous, cupped flowers, with yellow stamens visible within. The colour is a soft pink shading to a paler pink on the outer petals. Its growth is rather upright, with its flowers held above the foliage. It flowers freely and continuously. There is a powerful fragrance - an outstanding example of the English Rose fragrance, based on the myrrh note introduced with ‘Constance Spry’. Winner of the R.N.R.S. Henry Edland Award for fragrance. Summer pruning will help to maintain the height and encourage quicker repeat flowering. 4 ft. x 3 ft.
Sharifa Asma - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Sharifa Asma
An exquisite rose of true Old Rose charm. The blooms are shallowly cupped at first and gradually reflex to form a perfect rosette. A most delicate blush pink, fading to almost white on the outer petals. Short, rather upright growth. One of the most beautiful English Roses, but it can be damaged by very hot sun. A distinctive and beautiful fragrance with fruity notes reminiscent of white grapes and mulberry. 4 ft. x 3 ft.
Sir John Betjeman - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Sir John Betjeman
A rose of more modern character than most English Roses. The flowers start as small buds, opening to full petalled, wide open rosettes of a bright, deep pink. As the flower ages the bloom becomes dome shaped while the colour – unusually for the English Roses – gradually intensifies. The flowers are 2 1/2 - 3 inches across and are produced very freely; having a light, rather ‘green’ fragrance. A healthy and very bushy shrub of medium size with a slightly arching habit. With its bright colouration this would be a good choice to create some contrast in a border of other roses of softer colouring. It could also be used in a more formal bedding scheme. Altogether, a strong and healthy shrub that will grow well even in less than ideal conditions. Betjeman's daughter, Mrs Candida Lycett Green and The Betjeman Society asked us to name this rose after the well-known poet. At the time of his death in 1984 he held the post of Poet Laureate and is commemorated in Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey. Best known for his poetry, he was also a journalist and broadcaster. He was born on the 28th August 1906. 3.5ft x 2.5ft. (1m x 0.75m)
Sister Elizabeth - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Sister Elizabeth
A charming little rose of low, neatly rounded growth, which arches and branches freely to form a symmetrical mound. The flowers are of similar character to an old Gallica Rose; perfectly formed rosettes, each with a button eye at the centre. Their colour is rose pink with a distinct lilac tinge. This rose has an unusual, spicy, Old Rose fragrance. This delightful rose is excellent for the front of the border, where it will mingle beautifully with perennials or other plants. It may also be grown as a short hedge within the garden. Sister Elizabeth is ideal for growing in pots and other containers. Sister Elizabeth is a Cistercian nun from the Holy Cross Abbey in Whitland, South Wales. She has long been a great rose lover. 2.5 ft. x 2.5 ft.
Skylark - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Skylark
It is always our desire to bring as much variety of form, fragrance and growth as possible to our English Roses and this rose is a good example. The flowers are semi-double and of open, cupped shape with prominent stamens. The colour is deep pink at first, later paling slightly to lilac-pink. At the centre of the flower there is a small white area. There is a light but pleasing fragrance – Musk and Tea with clove and a hint of ‘apple pie’! The growth is light and airy, building up into a natural, well-rounded shrub. An ideal choice for planting amongst other shrubs or perennials towards the front of a mixed border. The name was suggested by Sister Elizabeth who remembers seeing and hearing a skylark when she first visited our Nursery. 3 x 2ft.
Spirit of Freedom - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                Spirit of Freedom
The flowers of this rose commence as small, rounded buds which gradually open to form a cupped flower that is well filled with numerous petals - these are slightly ‘dished’ towards the centre. The colour is a soft glowing pink, which gradually turns to lilac-pink as the flower ages. It will form a substantial shrub. It is highly disease-resistant. There is a pleasing fragrance with a hint of myrrh. A rose of typical Old Rose beauty. 5 x 4ft as a shrub or 8ft as a climber.
St. Cecilia - Rose Varieties | VARDI |  ვარდი                                                                                                                St. Cecilia
Medium sized, slightly open flowers of distinctly cupped formation. These are held well apart in open sprays, nodding on their stems to look at you. The colour is pale buff apricot, turning almost to white. Altogether a most elegant rose. The fragrance is very strong and both remarkable and unusual; an English Rose myrrh character with lemon and almond blossom. St. Cecilia is the patron saint of music and musicians. 4 ft. x 3 ft.
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