For many years we have been breeding roses with open flowers of the Old Rose type. Some people may be a little surprised to find that in ‘Janet' we return to a flower of the Hybrid Tea type. The difference is that whereas the Hybrid Teas are beautiful in the bud, they tend to lack form in the later stages.
‘Janet’ has long, elegant buds which open gradually to become shapely rosettes, so that we get flowers that are beautiful at all stages.
The colour in the bud is a delightful mixture of pale and deep pinks flushed with copper; the underside of the petals being soft yellow. As it opens into a rosette shape it becomes a deep glowing pink; paling a little
towards the outside of the petals.
Another equally important difference is that ‘Janet’ is not a short bush but - as we would expect with a Hybrid Tea - is a shrub with long, arching growth that holds its flowers beautifully; each bud hanging elegantly towards us on a long stem. It also makes an excellent climber, reaching 6-8ft.
There is a lovely strong, pure Tea Rose fragrance.
Named after ‘Janet’ in her memory, who had a life-long love of roses.
4ft. x 3.5 ft. (1.2 x 1.0m) or up to 8ft (2.5m) as a climber. |
John Clare
Perhaps the most prolific of the English Roses, bearing its medium-sized, informally cupped, light crimson flowers with remarkable continuity throughout the summer providing us with a most beautiful sight when in full bloom.
3 ft x 2.5 ft. |
Jubilee Celebration
We are pleased and honoured to name this rose in commemoration of the Queen’s Golden Jubilee. It is one of the finest roses we have introduced so far.
Its large, domed flowers are of a lovely rich salmon-pink with tints of gold on the underside of the petals; each bloom being elegantly held well above the foliage. Despite the size of the flowers, they are produced with exceptional freedom and continuity.
The growth is vigorous; building up into a fine shrub. It is very healthy. There is a deliciously fruity rose scent with hints of fresh lemon and raspberry.
4 x 4ft. |
Kathryn Morley Climbing
With its strong growth, this makes a truly superb climber and with the delicious fragrance, plant it where it is easily accessible. Beautiful soft pink flowers. |
La Ville de Bruxelles
This variety has exceptionally large, full-petalled blooms of a clear, rich pink. When fully open, the petals reflex at the edges leaving a slightly domed center filled with small petals. A truly luxurious flower of fine quality. The foliage is large and plentiful; pale green in color with a typical Damask shapeliness. Rich fragrance. |
Lady of Megginch
With its large, richly coloured flowers, this is a particularly impressive variety. The blooms commence as pretty, rounded buds gradually opening to form very large, full, cupped, rosette shaped flowers with the outer petals recurving back slightly. The colour is a very rich, deep pink; slightly tinged with deep orange at first and then changing to a deep rose pink.
There is a good, fruity Old Rose fragrance with a definite hint of raspberry.
Depending on how hard it is pruned, it will grow into a medium or large shrub of rather upright, but bushy habit. It is very vigorous and healthy. This rose will create some excitement in a border of softer colours.
Megginch Castle in Perth, Scotland, is the family home of the late Baroness Strange, who was President of the War Widows' Association until her death in 2005. She did much good work on behalf of war widows and was well known for her love of flowers and her rose garden.
4 ft. x 3 ft. |
Louise Odier
A rose of very much the same mould as Reine Victoria, having all its virtues but with more robust and bushy growth. The flowers are beautifully formed, cupped at first, opening flatter and neatly rounded with each petal precisely in place. The color is a lovely warm pink and they have a rich fragrance. Like Reine Victoria, it repeats well throughout the summer and is certainly one of the better of the recurrent flowering Old Roses, having quite good disease resistance. In warmer climates it will grow into a short climber. 5 ft. X 4 ft. |
This is a very large elegant hot pink variety that maintains its intense colour on opening with strong stems and dark glossy leaves. This variety will be a valued addition to the assortment of large colours that growers and florists have been looking for. |
Mary Magdalene
A most charming variety, of that truly Old Rose character which is so difficult for the breeder to catch. The flowers are of a soft apricot-pink colouring, with delicate silky petals arranged around a button eye. The petals are small at the centre. It has spreading growth with matt green, Old Rose leaves.
A very charming rose, having a particularly beautiful Tea Rose scent with a hint of myrrh. Named for the church of St. Mary Magdalene, Albrighton.
3 ft. x 3 ft. |
Mary Rose
One of the most widely grown English Roses and it is not difficult to see why. It forms a good bushy shrub, that is particularly winter-hardy and blooms with unusual regularity throughout the summer.
The flowers are of attractive, loose-petalled formation and of strong rose pink coloring. A first class garden shrub that mixes well with other plants.
The delicious fragrance is of Old Rose character, with a hint of honey and almond blossom.
It was named after Henry VIII’s flagship when it was recovered from the Solent after more than four hundred years.
4 ft. x 4 ft. |
Miss Alice
A charming rose of true Old Rose character. The growth is quite short, but bushy. The flowers are some three and a half inches across and of a lovely soft pink at first; the outer petals turning to a pale pink, which gradually spreads over the whole flower as it ages.
An excellent rose for bedding or for a position towards the front of a mixed border. It has a lovely rounded Old Rose fragrance, with additional hints of Lily of the Valley. Named after Miss Alice de Rothschild, who created a beautiful garden at Waddesdon Manor.
3 ft. x 2 ft. |
Mme Isaac Pereire
Huge, madder-crimson, cup shaped flowers with a powerful and delicious fragrance. The petals turn back at the edges in a most attractive manner. A large bush with a rather open growth habit and large leaves. It will also climb. |
Mortimer Sackler
Something quite new and different. A tall shrub with rather small, dark green leaves. The flowers are delicately beautiful - about three and a half inches across - and borne on slender dark stems, with very few thorns. They are shallowly cupped in shape and of a soft pink colour, paling a little on the outer petals. As the flower opens, it gradually exposes its stamens, to add further to its beauty.
The whole impression is one of delicacy and grace. It can be grown as an upright shrub of some four-five feet in height, or as a truly superb short climber of eight feet or more.
Extremely healthy. There is a lovely fragrance; Old Rose with a delicious hint of fruit.
The right to name this rose was auctioned on behalf of The National Trust to raise funds for their gardens. It was bought by Mrs. Sackler for her husband’s birthday.
5 ft. x 3 ft. or 10-12 ft. as a climber. |
Mortimer Sackler Climbing
Something quite new and different. A tall shrub with rather small, dark green leaves. The flowers are delicately beautiful - about three and a half inches across - and borne on slender dark stems, with very few thorns. They are shallowly cupped in shape and of a soft pink colour, paling a little on the outer petals. As the flower opens, it gradually exposes its stamens, to add further to its beauty.
The whole impression is one of delicacy and grace. It can be grown as an upright shrub of some four-five feet in height, or as a truly superb short climber of eight feet or more.
Extremely healthy. There is a lovely fragrance; Old Rose with a delicious hint of fruit.
The right to name this rose was auctioned on behalf of The National Trust to raise funds for their gardens. It was bought by Mrs. Sackler for her husband’s birthday.
Lovely fragrance.
10-12 ft. |
This variety is a flamingo pink mutation of the florist favourite ‘Talea+’. Exhibiting the same favourable characteristics, which include the extra large firm high-centred buds that slowly open into an exquisite bloom. |
New Dawn
Medium sized, silvery blush-pink flowers, deepening towards the centre, produced in clusters. The forerunner of the modern perpetual-flowering climbers, and still one of the best and most vigorous of this class. Healthy glossy foliage. Fresh, fruity fragrance. 10-15 ft. |
Old Blush China
Often known as the ‘Monthly Rose’ for the regularity with which it blooms. This variety is one of the first to flower, then will continue to produce flushes of flowers, weather permitting, through until Christmas. Modest, loosely formed flowers are held in graceful clusters. There is a delicious fragrance. The blooms are pale pink deepening with age and are held on a dainty, twiggy shrub.
This rose was described as the ‘Last Rose of Summer’ in Thomas Moore’s poem.
4 ft. x 3 ft. or 8 ft. climber |
This large and elegant shape with a unique and intriguing colour combination bud of pale pink and lilac that lightens as the flower opens giving it a pastel mist hue of elegant flower form. Combined with its straight stems and its feathery burgundy green foliage this variety shows interest for those looking for this novel colour combination and a welcomed addition for weddings. |
A tall slender clear mid pink bud that broadens as it slowly opens; the bloom continues to maintain its clarity of colour and good form. |
A very large and beautiful high centred bud of mid to dark pink, its petals are firm textured that opens ever so slowly, this variety has long lasting properties. |