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Fox Distribution

The distribution areas for the fox are quite remarkable, and that is why they have a legacy out there like no other animal has. They are found throughout areas of North America. The United States is a primary location where the fox lives. The only areas of the United States where you won’t find them are the Southwest areas of Texas and Alaska.

Canada is another location where the fox is found thriving. There is plenty of land around Canada where they aren’t being pushed out as rapidly by humans as they are in the United States. However, there are plenty of areas of Canada where the fox is allowed to roam and then in the winter time they are heavily hunted.

The Arctic Fox is found in the extremely cold areas of the Arctic. It is one of the few animals that are able to live there. They tend to have a very wide distribution area here because there aren’t many humans around to interrupt it. At the same time though they may have to cover lots of ground to be able to find sources of food. They often have to look for it underground rather than on top due to the cold temperatures.

The fox was introduced to areas in Australia around 1870. They have been able to thrive there but have also been involved with some controversies. They are known to kill livestock and to do damages to different types of agriculture there. The fact that the fox is able to live in the mountains or the plains, the warmer climates or the cold, means it is an animal that has a huge distribution.

With humans continually moving into the same locations where the fox lives, it shouldn’t be surprising to learn that they also are found in many cities. The fox is able to adapt to being around people as they will simply consume trash, get into gardens, and go to agricultural areas where foods are being grown. Many farmers and ranchers are upset by the vast distribution area of the fox as it does cost them money.

The fox does use a den for shelter, but they are able to use just about anything for one. In the wild they will use old trees or make burrows under the ground. When they are living closer to humans they may use garages, window basins for basements, and even under homes or porches as a place to make a den.

The fact that the fox does burrow or find a place to make a den can make it hard to know where they are living. When you toss in the fact that they are active at night and out of sight during the day, many people may not be aware that they live close to them unless they are looking for them or they discover the fox has been coming close to their food supplies or animals.

Fox also live isolated lives so you won’t find them in packs out there in the wild as you do other types of canines. As a result there may be fox in areas that people haven’t found out about yet. This isn’t surprising as they do change their location when they need to in order to continue finding food and shelter.

The fact that fox can become comfortable anywhere and in no time at all though is also a concern in some areas. They can saturate a given distribution area if they are given the opportunity. There they can create havoc for the environment as well as for people. This is why experts try to find those locations and to implement population control efforts.

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