The Camargue, once known as "Horses of the Sea," are adored the world over, even being portrayed frequently in movies. They do not require much from their keepers and are fairly self sufficient.
Campolinas are a breed that comes from Brazil where they are utilized for riding and harness work. They are described as being kind at heart and are very simple to train when they are young.
Carolina Marsh Tacky
The Carolina Marsh Tacky is a very smart, very thoughful working horse. They make ideal companions for carrying women and children and are ideal for riding practice.
Caspians are extremely agile and great for beginners. Like most horses, they're sweet and affectionate, but they also have an immense amount of strength. They are one of the most popular breeds in the world.
Rugged and strong, the Cerbat breed is tough enough to withstand harsh conditions and rough terrain. They're considered beautiful horses and work great in event horse competitions.
The Chincoteague breed is a staple of beaches and lands on the Eastern coast of the United States. They can easily carry long distances and succeed as work horses, though they're also sweet and calm.
Cleveland Bay
The Cleveland Bay can be described with just about any word that means "good" and you'd have a fairly accurate description of the breed overall. They're hardy, fast, and are very easy horses to care for.
One of the most popular and well known horse breeds, the Clydesdale is an enourmous and sturdy creature, built for hauling and pulling. Despite this large size, they are very kindhearted horses and tend to be easy to train.
Colonial Spanish
Once considered the most popular breed in the world, the Colonial Spanish is a great horse for any situation. However, they can be a challenge to train, though when trained young they become extremely loyal.
The Connemara breed comes from Ireland where it's still popular to this day. They are usually utilized for riding, hunting, and competitions, as well as general work. They have a good temperament and are very giving.
The Criollo breed can be used for riding at any skill level and is know to be eager to learn any and every type of new skill their owners can throw at them. They're also great for the game of polo.