Chicken Breeds Big Birds Chicken-like-Marsh Duck-like
Gull-like Hawk-like Hummingbird-like Long-legged-like
Owl-like Perching-like Pigeon-like Sandpiper-like
Swallow-like Tree-clinging-like Upland-ground-like Upright-perching Water-like


Crevecoeur Information

Crevecoeur - chicken Breeds | ქათმის ჯიშები | qatmis jishebi

Crevecoeur 1 - chicken Breeds | ქათმის ჯიშები | qatmis jishebi

Crevecoeur 2 - chicken Breeds | ქათმის ჯიშები | qatmis jishebi

 - chicken Breeds | ქათმის ჯიშები | qatmis jishebi

Crevecoeur Qualities

The American Livestock Breeds Conservancy has listed the Crevecoeur as endangered worldwide. The US has less than 500 breeding chickens. Bred as a dual-purpose bird, The Crevecoeur serves mainly as an ornamental show bird today. It does, however, lay 120 medium eggs per annum and matures into a meaty fowl in a reasonable amount of time. Crevecoeur chickens boast a short grained, extremely white meat on small boned skeleton. They have a high percentage of meat to total carcass weight.

Crevecoeur Temperament

Although described as an active breed, Crevecouers bear confinement well and rarely go broody in the coop. Owners characterize them as calm, friendly, and easy to handle. However, some Crevecoeur breeders report that certain individuals have an aggressive side. Crevecoeurs like to move but rarely forage in spite of their constant activity. Quiet, deliberate, and not prone to flightiness, Crevecoeurs do well in a backyard setting.

Crevecoeur Appearance

The Crevecouer standard sized rooster weighs eight pounds and the hen seven. The bantams run around two pounds. Crevecoeurs have a lordly appearance in their full black crest with matching beard and muffs. Their plumage, jet black with a greenish tint, distinguishes them on the exhibition floor. Crevecoeurs have red V comb that looks like horns on the rooster. The hen conceals her smaller V comb with her crest. Both rooster and hen have small red wattles and earlobes. Their black beak with shades of horn color at the tip produces a stately but somewhat menacing appearance. Crevecoeurs support themselves on gun blue legs not favored in American meat markets but suitably matched to their striking plumage. In many ways the Crevecoeur resembles the Houdan breed except they have four toes in contrast to the five toed Houdan.

Crevecoeur Upkeep

Keep your Crevecoeurs warm. Frostbite easily occurs on the vulnerable crests and V combs of Crevecoeurs. Build a dry, draft-free coop. Crevecoeurs have little tolerance to cold, rain, and wind. Many owners report lackluster egg production for the breed; however, others report a consistent egg per day. Feed a good layer food and supplement with extra protein and calcium for better egg production. Artificial lighting added to the morning hours always helps as the days get shorter. Run your Crevecoeurs on wood shavings to protect their show plumage from dust and damage. Move the run occasionally to prevent the build up of parasites in the soil.

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