Campines, despite theri small size, make good egg layers, though their primary use is as a show favorite. They love the summer months but don't to welol in winter, though they don't mind confinement.
The Catalana breed loves heat and thrives in it. It functions as a dual purpose bird capable of producing plenty of eggs and meat. They are, however, shy to the point of wanting to avoid humans.
The Chantecler is a native breed from Canada, making them great in the cold but poor in the heat. They're good layers and hardy enough to be good fryers as well. They don't enjoy confinement much.
Cochins will eat anything, causing them to be rather large birds. However, they aren't fantastic layers and mature too slowly to be good meat birds. Instead, they're renowned for their unique personalities.
The Cornish is the star of the meat production world and as such is used more often in the meat industry than any other chicken. Unfortunately, they are a difficult breed to raise properly.
Though once known for being a great dual purpose chicken, the Crevecoeur is now best suited as a show bird as it is considered endangered. Despite this, they are calm adn easy to handle.
Used in Cuba as dual purpose birds but mostly as ornamental in the US, the Cubalaya can do it all. They do great in heat and humidity and make a great choice for first-time chicken owners.