Butterfly Species Spiders Species Ladybirds Species
Fungus-eating Ladybird

Fungus-eating Ladybird - Ladybirds species | CHIAMAIAS JISHEBI | ჭიამაიას ჯიშები

Fungus-eating Ladybird

This is a fungus-eating Ladybird which is about 5mm long with.bright yellow with black markings. It is active during the day and fast moving and it lives on plants infected with fungus or black mould. These ladybirds lay their eggs on food plants.

The eggs hatch into larvae which are 8 to 10mm.long , then pupate into oval pupae before hatching out as adults. The larvae are creamy white with rows of black dots on their back. Larvae feed only on powdery mildew type of fungus (Oidium sp., Erysiphales) which infecting various plants. The pupa are also white with rows of black dots. Both the adults and larvae feed on fungus and black mould on the plants leaves. This is not a welcome garden pest because it spreads the fungi and mould spores to other plants. Before it hibinates it stores some of the fungi under it wing sheilds as food for when it comes out of hibination.

Fungus-eating Ladybirds lay eggs on food plants. The eggs hatch into larvae, then pupate into oval pupae before hatching out as adults.

5mm. Larvae 8mm - 10mm

plants infected with fungus

Adults and larvae feed on fungus and black mold on leaves.

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