Dog Cat Horse Cow Sheep Goat Pig
Donkey Tiger Wild Cat Wolf Bear Fox Birds

Kodkod - wild cats - lynx | ფოცხვერი | focxveri


Main Characteristics
Kodkod are the smallest cat in the Americas. They have a body length between 42 and 51 cms (16.5 - 20 inches), a tail length between 19.5 and 25 cms (7.5 - 10 inches) and they weigh between 2 and 2.5 kgs (4.5 - 5.5 lbs).

They are coloured greyish/brown with dense back spots that sometimes merge into stripes, especially on their back and tail.

Kodkod are found in the forested areas of western South America.

Kodkod mainly feed on rodents, birds, reptiles, insects and domestic poultry.

After a gestation period of 72 - 78 days, a litter of 1 - 3 kittens are born. Kodkod reach sexual maturity at 2 years of age.

Humans are predators of Kodkod

There are 2 subspecies of Kodkod:

Leopardus guigna guigna
Leopardus guigna tigrillo

Interesting Facts

The Kodkod is also known as:
Chilean Cat

Flat-Headed Cat - wild cats - lynx | ფოცხვერი | focxveri Pallas's Cat - wild cats - lynx | ფოცხვერი | focxveri Leopard Cat - wild cats - lynx | ფოცხვერი | focxveri
Pallas's Cat - wild cats - lynx | ფოცხვერი | focxveri Canadian Lynx - wild cats - lynx | ფოცხვერი | focxveri Bay Cat - wild cats - lynx | ფოცხვერი | focxveri
Canadian Lynx - wild cats - lynx | ფოცხვერი | focxveri Kodkod - wild cats - lynx | ფოცხვერი | focxveri Serval - wild cats - lynx | ფოცხვერი | focxveri
Marbled Cat - wild cats - lynx | ფოცხვერი | focxveri Iriomote Cat - wild cats - lynx | ფოცხვერი | focxveri Jungle Cat - wild cats - lynx | ფოცხვერი | focxveri

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