Rose Varieties Species Tulip Peonies Varieties

Ambridge Rose

Ambridge Rose - Rose Varieties | VARDI | ვარდი

Ambridge Rose

Medium sized flowers that are nicely cupped at first, opening to form a loose rosette formation; their colour being pure apricot, later paling towards the edges. It flowers freely and continuously on neat, busy growth, Suitable for the border and for bedding. A fine English Rose myrrh fragrance. 3 ft. x 2 ft.

Category English Roses

Color Apricot, Peach, Orange, Copper

Flower Type Double/Full Bloom

Size Medium Shrub

Hardiness Hardy

Fragrance Strong

Repeating Good

Port Sunlight Lady of Shalott Lady of Shalott
Tea Clipper Abraham Darby Tamora, Standard
Areeba Radiance French Lace
Lady of Shalott Pegasus Fandango

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