Rose Varieties Species Tulip Peonies Varieties

Buckeye Belle

Buckeye Belle -                                                                                                                 Peonies species| PIONI | პიონი

Buckeye Belle

Details: Beautifully formed, medium sized bowl of blackish, deep red outer petals cradle a center made up of smaller petals and stamen filaments the same color, accented by bright yellow anthers. Flowers displayed close to the bush, the form holds best with shelter from wind and strong sunlight. Good bush habit. This is one of the most attractive flowers of this coloration for exhibition or for flowering in the viewed landscape. No fertility noted. Limited Supply.

Circus-Circus Erma Chiffon Parfait
Bowl of Beauty Ezra Pound Friendship
Early Glow Ballarena de Saval Arlesienne
Arlesienne Da Wei Zi Demetra

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