Agkistrodon piscivorus conanti - Florida Cottonmouth
The Florida Cottonmouth is similar in pattern to A. p. piscivorus but has dark brown cheek stripe bordered above and below by narrow light lines. It has two dark stripes at the front of the lower jaw, and two dark vertical stripes at the tip of the snout. Mature specimens often lack any pattern on the back.
Other Names
Water moccasin
length up to 180cm
found in thickets along the edges of ponds, around woodland near water, swamps
feeds on fish, mammals, birds, small reptiles
This species is ovoviviparous. Females give birth to 6-8 young (sometimes up to 16) in August or September. Newborn snakes are about 18cm in length.
found in far south of Georgia, Florida and islands off Florida coast
Cottonmouths get their name from the white lining of the mouth cavity. When approached they may try to escape, but will put on a threat display if confronted. They are venomous and can give a dangerous bite. Bites can cause severe bleeding and damage to tissue. If bitten, seek immediate medical attention. Young cottonmouths have fully functional fangs and are also dangerous.