Chicken Breeds Big Birds Chicken-like-Marsh Duck-like
Gull-like Hawk-like Hummingbird-like Long-legged-like
Owl-like Perching-like Pigeon-like Sandpiper-like
Swallow-like Tree-clinging-like Upland-ground-like Upright-perching Water-like
Ruddy Ground-Dove

Ruddy Ground-Dove - Bird Species | Frinvelis jishebi | ფრინველის ჯიშები

Ruddy Ground-Dove

Ruddy Ground-Dove: Small dove with rufous upperparts, pale pink-gray underparts, and pale gray head. Wings are rufous with black spots and bill is gray with a dark tip. Legs and feet are pink-gray. Forages on ground for seeds and berries. Fast low direct flight with rapid wing beats.

Range and Habitat
Ruddy Ground-Dove: Found in Mexico, Central America, and most of South America to northern Chile and Argentina. Preferred habitats include woodlands, gardens, cultivated fields, marshlands, and forest edges.

The Ruddy Ground-Dove is a small, tropical-area dove found breeding in Mexico, Peru, Brazil, Paraguay, northern Argentina, Trinidad and Tobago. Some of these birds may also be found in the southwestern United States, including southern Texas and southernmost California. Northern populations migrate southward in winter months to warmer climates. This species prefers habitats which include open country, scrublands, and cultivated farmlands. Nests are cups built in trees. These birds feed mainly on seeds, but may also eat worms or small insects on occasion. The conservation rating for the Ruddy Ground-Dove is currently Least Concern.

The Ruddy Ground-Dove appears to have extended its range in northwestern Mexico, as arid scrub is cleared to make way for agriculture. Males frequently threaten each other, and brief fights may ensue. This species can be quite approachable. A group of doves has many collective nouns, including a "bevy", "cote", "dole", "dule", and "flight" of doves.

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