Butterfly Species Spiders Species Ladybirds Species
Psyllobora 22-punctata

Psyllobora 22-punctata - Ladybirds species | CHIAMAIAS JISHEBI | ჭიამაიას ჯიშები

Psyllobora 22-punctata

Special features: Each wing case features 11 evenly spaced black spots. The pronotum, or section between the head and the abdomen, also features 5 black spots, so it probably should have been called the 27 spot ladybird.

Usually found close to the ground among long grasses and other low growing vegetation.

Latin name: Psyllobora 22-punctata

Size: Approximately 3 to 5mms long

Distribution: Found throughout the U.K.

Months seen: April to August

Food: Feeds mainly on mildew

Habitat: Fields, meadows and gardens.

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