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Kurilian Bobtail Information

Kurilian Bobtail - cat Breeds | კატის ჯიშები | katis jishebi

Kurilian Bobtail 1 - cat Breeds | კატის ჯიშები | katis jishebi

Kurilian Bobtail 2 - cat Breeds | კატის ჯიშები | katis jishebi

Kurilian Bobtail 3 - cat Breeds | კატის ჯიშები | katis jishebi

Kurilian Bobtail Description

A strong cat that is wild in appearance, the Kurilian Bobtail is medium to large in size with substantial boning. Males can weigh up to 15 pounds, while females are considerably smaller weighing eight to eleven pounds. The head is a rounded wedge with walnut shaped eyes set on a slight angle. Ears are medium sized, triangular in shape and wide at the based with slightly rounded tips. They should have light to medium furnishings. The body is medium to large while compact and broad chested. The back may be slightly raised as the hind legs should be longer than the front and ending in rounded paws. The coat of the Kurilian Bobtail may be short or semi-long; those with long coats should have britches, toe tufts and a ruff. It should be soft, silky, lay flat and not be prone to matting. The coat may be in any color, have spots or white or be tipped in silver. The tail of the Kurilian Bobtail deserves special notice as no two tails are the same. The genes that control the tail cause each to develop uniquely and differently making each tail unique to the cat. They can be kinked, snagged, or spiraled and are caused by the compaction of various vertebrae twisted into all directions.

Kurilian Bobtail Temperament

This breed is highly intelligent and very inquisitive. Though they are directly descended from wild Russian cats, they are sociable, playful and very gentle. The Kurilian Bobtail is completely devoted to its human family and loves to be by the side of their humans and even in their beds when permitted. They adapt easily to children and other household pets, including dogs. They are incredible jumpers and love to be up high where they can look down and survey their domain. Training is simple as this is an intelligent breed that often needs to be shown or told something once.

Kurilian Bobtail Care

Care for the Kurilian Bobtail is simple. The coat is non-matting and requires minimal grooming. even for those with long coats. There are no special nutritional requirements. When purchasing from a breeder it is important to inquire about any history of genetic disorders or diseases and to have your kitten examined by a veterinarian prior to purchase.

Kurilian Bobtail History

A natural breed of cat, the Kurilian Bobtail can trace its lineage directly to the cats found in the Kamchatka peninsula and Russian Island of Sakhalin, as well as the Kuril Islands. There is documentation discussing these short tailed cats as far back as 200 years ago, and some of these cats were removed from the islands and brought back to central Russia during the 20th Century. They were highly prized for their natural hunting instinct which makes them excellent mousers. Though popular in Europe thanks to their naturally laid back personalities, they are incredibly rare in North America, with less than 100 currently found in the United States.

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