The Savannah is a breed that can almost be mistaken for a dog as they stick close to their owners, can learn to be walked on a leash, and even play fetch. They're very intelligent and can jump 8 feet straight up.
Scottish Fold
The Scottish Fold is a good-natured docile cat that will show its loyalty but will prefer to sit next to its owner rather than on its lap. They are playful and stay so well into adulthood.
Selkirk Rex
The Selkirk Rex has the unique fur of a La Perm with all the loving devotion of a Persian and the playfulness of an Exotic Shorthair while still being calm and reserved. An all around great breed.
The Serengeti is bred from wildcats into a domesticated version that's very friendly after an initial period of shyness. They have legs strong enough to let them leap 7 feet straight up if they so choose.
The Siamese is one of the most vocal breeds, talking away whether you respond or not. They can be aloof at times, though that's just an act to get you to play with them more.
The Siberian is known for being large but affectionate. They have a strange fascination with water and tend to have few health problems, which is great because they mesh well with kids and other pets.
The Singapura is a breed that loves to be in the center of every crowd, stranger or otherwise. They are playful throughout their lives and too intelligent for their own curious selves sometimes.
The Snowshoe is a funny breed, one that needs lots of love and affection. They act more like people than cats sometimes, even hopping right into the bathtub when the idea strikes them.
The Sokoke is a breed that you'll have a very hard time rehoming as they do not like to be seperated from their families. Immensely smart, they have an apparent ability to sense their owner's emotions and act accordingly.
Somali Cat
The Somali Cat is a curious breed that finds contentment just hanging out where the action is. They prefer not to be lap cats and don't like to be cuddled, but they are affectionate and loyal, albeit lazy and relaxed.
The Sphynx is a breed that reminds people more of monkies or children at times than actual cats as they're very acrobatic and mischievous. Though, despite their odd look, they are very loving and affectionate.