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Citori 625 Feather

Citori 625 Feather - browning

Citori 625 Feather

Browning Citori Story Interactive Experience. To learn all the details about why the Browning Citori is the top over and under in the world, go to the interactive Citori Story. Just click on the Citori Story image at right. Other details are below, including the Browning Citori commercial. Citori. A perfect blend of beauty and performance. The Citori is more than a shotgun, it is the quintessential representative of the quality of the Browning brand. Wood-to-metal fit is paramount on the Citori and with tight, consistent junctions it doesn’t disappoint. Action components are machined to exacting tolerances, heat-treated for greater strength and fitted using the traditional lampblack-and-file method to ensure the precise fit of critical components prior to being assembled to the action. It is this extreme level of craftsmanship that leads to the dependable function, impeccable looks, championship performance and respect from both Citori owners and the competition alike. We challenge you to take any Citori from the rack and you’ll see the same high level of fit and finish on every gun. Open and close the action and throw it to your shoulder. Sight down the barrels. Only then will you fully understand why the Citori has gained its reputation as the finest over and under shotgun available in the world.

Hammers are powered by powerful coil-type mainsprings for positive primer ignition. The convenient barrel selector allows the shooter to choose which barrel fires on the first pull of the single trigg

The Citori utilizes a transverse-mounted, full-width tapered locking bolt. The tapered locking bolt engages a full-width tapered recess in the rear barrel lugs. The taper allows the bolt to seat deepe

All Citori shotguns feature chrome-plated chambers that resist the toll thousands of shells can take on lesser quality guns. Corrosion resistance is also greatly improved.

All Sporting Clays, XT and XS Series Citori shotguns come equipped with the Triple Trigger™ system, which allows the shooter to fine tune the length of pull and switch between a wide checkered, a narr

12 and 20 gauge Citori shotguns feature Back-Bored Technology.

12 and 20 gauge Citori shotguns include the interchangeable Invector-Plus™ choke tube system. 28 gauge and .410 bore Citori shotguns include the Standard Invector™ system.

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