Rose Varieties Species Tulip Peonies Varieties


Redouté -


A sport of Mary Rose, to which it is identical except that the flowers are of a softer shade of pink. We think that this gives it an added charm. It is free-flowering, repeats well and has nice bushy, twiggy growth. The fragrance is of a light Old Rose character, with a hint of honey and almond. Piérre Joseph Redouté was the most famous of all rose painters. 4 ft. x 4 ft.

Category English Roses

Color Light Pink

Size Medium Shrub

Flower Type Double/Full Bloom

Hardiness Hardy

Repeating Good

Special Characteristics Starts flowering very early.

Snowflake Dark Hypnose Paul's Himalayan Musk
Grace, Standard Lovely Lydia Iceberg Climbing
Scentimental Infusion Chianti
Snowflake Lianne Rosa Rina

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