Rose Varieties Species Tulip Peonies Varieties

Crocus Rose

Crocus Rose - Rose Varieties | VARDI | ვარდი

Crocus Rose

This is a very robust and free flowering rose, bearing large, rosette-shaped flowers that are cupped at first; the petals later reflexing. The colour is soft apricot, paling to cream on the outer petals. The flowers are produced very freely, in large clusters elegantly poised on the end of slightly arching stems. They have a delightful Tea Rose fragrance.

Category English Roses

Color Soft apricot paling to cream.

Flower Type Double/Full Bloom

Repeating Good

Special Characteristics Particularly free-flowering.

Keepsake Amuse Kew Gardens
Rushing Stream Pascali Talea
Chantilly Winchester Cathedral Claire Austin
Antarctic Bounty Creme Brulee

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