Rose Varieties Species Tulip Peonies Varieties

Comte de Champagne

Comte de Champagne - Rose Varieties | VARDI | ვარდი

Comte de Champagne

'Comte de Champagne' has flowers of a rich yellow colouring which as they open, gradually turn to a pleasing pale yellow. They open to form a perfect open cup, with a 'mop' of stamens of deepest yellow; the whole providing a delightful range of colour on the bush at one time. The growth is wide, low and bushy, producing its flowers on slender, arching stems. There is a delicious honey and musk fragrance that complements the flower to perfection. Healthy and free flowering. This rose is named after Taittinger's finest champagne. The president of Taittinger, M Claude Taittinger, is a descendant of Thiabaut IV, Count of Champagne and Brie and who introduced R. gallica Officinalis (The Apothecary's Rose) from Damascus on his return from the 7th Cruscade in 1250. He was a great lover of roses and wrote about them in his poetry.

Category English Roses

Color Rich yellow, paling to soft yellow

Flower Type Semi-double

Hardiness Hardy

Repeating Good

Windrush St. Alban Lime & Lemon
Comte de Champagne Teasing Georgia - Own Root Buttercup
Teasing Georgia Molineux, Hedging The Pilgrim
Jude The Obscure Eureka Charlotte, Standard

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