Rose Varieties Species Tulip Peonies Varieties

Carefree Beauty

Carefree Beauty - Rose Varieties | VARDI | ვარდი

Carefree Beauty

An extremely free-flowering shrub rose with rich, rose-pink flowers. The individual blooms are four to five inches across, semi-double and have a good fragrance. The leaves are very disease resistant, making it an excellent variety for a hedge or for growing in the wilder parts of the garden. It is very hardy and does best in the cooler climates. It also grows into a wonderful climber. Orange-red hips are produced in the winter. 5 ft. X 4 ft.

Category Shrub Roses

Color Rich rose pink

Flower Type Semi-double

Size Medium Shrub Short Climber

Hardiness Hardy

Fragrance Medium

Repeating Good

Special Characteristics Very disease resistant, and free flowering.

Kathryn Morley Climbing Heritage Climbing Party Girl
Enchantment Spirit of Freedom Thérèse Bugnet
The Mayflower, Hedging Miss Alice Wildeve
Geoff Hamilton Rainbow Knock Out Cottage Rose

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