This is a particularly robust and healthy rose, producing long, arching branches which eventually form a bushy, mounding shrub. It flowers freely, with excellent repeating. The flower buds are blush pink at first, later opening to reveal flowers of blush touched with apricot. They form a perfect rosette shape which is distinctly quartered.
Wildeve is a highly versatile variety, with many of the features of a good ground cover rose, combined with all the quality of flower of an English Rose. It is an ideal choice for a prime position in the border or may be grown in a large pot or container. Like most English Roses, Wildeve may be grown in partial shade, providing it is not positioned underneath the branches of a tree. It makes a useful hedging rose or can be trained against a short fence, where its blooms are sure to be admired.
It has a lovely, fresh medium strong fragrance.
3.5 ft x 3.5 ft.
Flower Type Double/Full Bloom
Hardiness Hardy
Fragrance Fresh Fragrance Medium
Repeating Good