Rose Varieties Species Tulip Peonies Varieties

Spirit of Freedom

Spirit of Freedom - Rose Varieties | VARDI | ვარდი

Spirit of Freedom

The flowers of this rose commence as small, rounded buds which gradually open to form a cupped flower that is well filled with numerous petals - these are slightly ‘dished’ towards the centre. The colour is a soft glowing pink, which gradually turns to lilac-pink as the flower ages. It will form a substantial shrub. It is highly disease-resistant. There is a pleasing fragrance with a hint of myrrh. A rose of typical Old Rose beauty. 5 x 4ft as a shrub or 8ft as a climber.

Color Soft Pink

Flower Type Double/Full Bloom

Size Medium/tall Shrub

Hardiness Hardy

Fragrance Myrrh Medium

Repeating Good

Janet Paparazzi Châpeau de Napoléon
Graceful The Endeavour Pink Scentsation
Palais Heritage Queen of Denmark
Barbara Austin Huntington Rose Heather Austin

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