Rose Varieties Species Tulip Peonies Varieties

Sister Elizabeth

Sister Elizabeth - Rose Varieties | VARDI | ვარდი

Sister Elizabeth

A charming little rose of low, neatly rounded growth, which arches and branches freely to form a symmetrical mound. The flowers are of similar character to an old Gallica Rose; perfectly formed rosettes, each with a button eye at the centre. Their colour is rose pink with a distinct lilac tinge. This rose has an unusual, spicy, Old Rose fragrance. This delightful rose is excellent for the front of the border, where it will mingle beautifully with perennials or other plants. It may also be grown as a short hedge within the garden. Sister Elizabeth is ideal for growing in pots and other containers. Sister Elizabeth is a Cistercian nun from the Holy Cross Abbey in Whitland, South Wales. She has long been a great rose lover. 2.5 ft. x 2.5 ft.

Flower Type Double/Full Bloom

Hardiness Hardy

Fragrance Strong

Repeating Good

The Mayflower Barbara Austin Tahitian Sunset
The Countryman Celsiana Graceful
La Ville de Bruxelles Sharifa Asma New Dawn
Amuse Félicité Parmentier Scepter'd Isle

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