Rose Varieties Species Tulip Peonies Varieties

Sir John Betjeman

Sir John Betjeman - Rose Varieties | VARDI | ვარდი

Sir John Betjeman

A rose of more modern character than most English Roses. The flowers start as small buds, opening to full petalled, wide open rosettes of a bright, deep pink. As the flower ages the bloom becomes dome shaped while the colour – unusually for the English Roses – gradually intensifies. The flowers are 2 1/2 - 3 inches across and are produced very freely; having a light, rather ‘green’ fragrance. A healthy and very bushy shrub of medium size with a slightly arching habit. With its bright colouration this would be a good choice to create some contrast in a border of other roses of softer colouring. It could also be used in a more formal bedding scheme. Altogether, a strong and healthy shrub that will grow well even in less than ideal conditions. Betjeman's daughter, Mrs Candida Lycett Green and The Betjeman Society asked us to name this rose after the well-known poet. At the time of his death in 1984 he held the post of Poet Laureate and is commemorated in Poet's Corner in Westminster Abbey. Best known for his poetry, he was also a journalist and broadcaster. He was born on the 28th August 1906. 3.5ft x 2.5ft. (1m x 0.75m)

Flower Type Double/Full Bloom

Size Medium Shrub

Hardiness Hardy

Fragrance Light

Repeating Excellent

Party Girl Parfumé de Grande Sharifa Asma
Fragrant Candy Rainbow Knock Out Cordelia
Skylark Celsiana Brother Cadfael
Strawberry Hill Grand Diva Cordelia

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