Rose Varieties Species Tulip Peonies Varieties

Scepter'd Isle

Scepter'd Isle - Rose Varieties | VARDI | ვარდი

Scepter'd Isle

This is a charming rose which bears numerous, cupped flowers, with yellow stamens visible within. The colour is a soft pink shading to a paler pink on the outer petals. Its growth is rather upright, with its flowers held above the foliage. It flowers freely and continuously. There is a powerful fragrance - an outstanding example of the English Rose fragrance, based on the myrrh note introduced with ‘Constance Spry’. Winner of the R.N.R.S. Henry Edland Award for fragrance. Summer pruning will help to maintain the height and encourage quicker repeat flowering. 4 ft. x 3 ft.

Color Soft Pink

Flower Type Double/Full Bloom

Size Medium Shrub

Hardiness Hardy

Fragrance Myrrh Strong

Repeating Good

Special Characteristics Won the R.N.R.S Henry Edland award for fragrance

Eglantyne Enchantment The Wedgwood Rose
Fantin-Latour Brother Cadfael Climbing John Clare
Jubilee Celebration Heavenly Rosalind Brother Cadfael Climbing
Party Girl Brother Cadfael Constance Spry

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