Rose Varieties Species Tulip Peonies Varieties

Miss Alice

Miss Alice - Rose Varieties | VARDI | ვარდი

Miss Alice

A charming rose of true Old Rose character. The growth is quite short, but bushy. The flowers are some three and a half inches across and of a lovely soft pink at first; the outer petals turning to a pale pink, which gradually spreads over the whole flower as it ages. An excellent rose for bedding or for a position towards the front of a mixed border. It has a lovely rounded Old Rose fragrance, with additional hints of Lily of the Valley. Named after Miss Alice de Rothschild, who created a beautiful garden at Waddesdon Manor. 3 ft. x 2 ft.

Color Lovely soft pink outer petals, turning to pale pink.

Flower Type Double/Full Bloom

Size Short Shrub

Hardiness Hardy

Fragrance Old Rose with additional hints of Lily of the Valley. Medium

Repeating Good

Special Characteristics Charming and true Old Rose flowers on short, compact growth.

Skylark Sweet Memory Mary Magdalene
Old Blush China Old Blush China Harlow Carr
Parfumé de Grande Harlow Carr Félicité Parmentier
La Ville de Bruxelles Falling in Love Kathryn Morley Climbing

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