Rose Varieties Species Tulip Peonies Varieties

Festiva Maxima

Festiva Maxima -                                                                                                                 Peonies species| PIONI | პიონი

Festiva Maxima

Festiva Maxima[Miellez, 1851]. Herbaceous, White, Double Blooms. It is an Early bloomer. Very large double white blossom with flecks of red within the petals.Foliage is dark green. This is an excellent cut flower. According to the Peony Bloom Sequence Table, Festiva Maxima blooms 3 days after Red Charm.

Bess Bockstoce Blushing Princess Burning Bright
Friendship Bodacious Orange Burning Bright
Athelstane Aerie Cavatina
Chief Wapello Bill Krekler Friendship

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