Rose Varieties Species Tulip Peonies Varieties

Echt Klasse

Echt Klasse -                                                                                                                 Peonies species| PIONI | პიონი

Echt Klasse

Details: Many smooth petals of shining, intense scarlet red surround a small center of light yellow stamens and velvety white carpels, filaments red. Large flowers set close to the bush, medium low, 24-26 inches. Smooth leaflets, medium green, good grower. May shut down when stressed by heat and drought, the subsequent flowering performance not diminished. Parents (Karl Rosenfield x Good Cheer). Named by Werner Reinermann, Schoppinger Iris Garden of Germany.

Dantenmon Duchesse de Nemours Flaming Star
Dawn Glow Elsie Pickett Casablanca
Auguste Dessert Dawn Glow Friendship
Archangel Black Monarch Dantenmon

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