Golden-winged Warbler
Golden-winged Warbler: Small warbler with gray upperparts and white underparts. Face is white with black mask and throat, and head has a yellow crown. Wings are gray with large yellow patches. Its flight is weak and fluttering, alternates rapid wing beats with periods of wings drawn to its sides.
Range and Habitat
Golden-winged Warbler: Breeds from southern Manitoba and New Hampshire south to New Jersey and Iowa, and in the mountains to Georgia. Spends winters from southern Mexico to northern South America. Preferred habitats include abandoned fields and pastures grown to saplings.
The Golden-winged Warbler benefited from the extensive deforestation of the last several centuries, especially as farms were abandoned in the 20th century. Current reforestation is reducing available breeding habitat.
They hybridize extensively with the Blue-winged Warbler, giving rise to the distinctly plumaged "Brewster's" and "Lawrence's" warblers. Backcrosses of hybrids to pure parental types result in many intermediate-appearing birds.
Hybrids do not sing intermediate songs but sing either normal Blue-winged Warbler or Golden-winged Warbler songs. Some birds sing both. Occasionally pure-looking parental types sing the "wrong" song.
A group of warblers has many collective nouns, including a "bouquet", "confusion", "fall", and "wrench" of warblers.
The Golden-winged Warbler is a small bird found throughout eastern North America, including the eastern United States and southeastern Canada, where it prefers to breed. This species migrates in winter months to warmer southern Central America, Columbia, Venezuela and Ecuador. They are rarely found in western Europe. The Golden-winged Warbler’s breeding grounds are found in open scrublands. This bird builds its cup nest on the ground or very near it in low bushes. The typical diet of a Golden-winged Warbler consists of insects and spiders. The current conservation rating of the Golden-winged Warbler is Near Threatened due to disappearing natural habitat.