Chicken Breeds Big Birds Chicken-like-Marsh Duck-like
Gull-like Hawk-like Hummingbird-like Long-legged-like
Owl-like Perching-like Pigeon-like Sandpiper-like
Swallow-like Tree-clinging-like Upland-ground-like Upright-perching Water-like
Cordilleran Flycatcher

Cordilleran Flycatcher - Bird Species | Frinvelis jishebi | ფრინველის ჯიშები

Cordilleran Flycatcher


Cordilleran Flycatcher: Small flycatcher with olive-brown upperparts, yellow throat and belly separated by olive-gray breast, elongated white eye-ring, and pale wing-bars. Black bill is long and wide, and lower mandible is bright yellow. Weak fluttering flight with shallow wing beats.

Range and Habitat

Cordilleran Flycatcher: Breeds from Alberta south through Nevada and Rocky Mountains to southeastern Arizona, southern New Mexico, and western Texas. Winters south of U.S.-Mexico border. Preferred habitats include mountain forests and wooded canyons.


The Cordilleran and Pacific-slope flycatchers are very similar, and were formerly considered a single species known as the Western Flycatcher.
A group of flycatchers has many collective nouns, including an "outfield", "swatting", "zapper", and "zipper" of flycatchers.

The Cordilleran Flycatcher has a large range, estimated at 2,300,000 globally. It is native to the nations of North America. It prefers temperate, subtropical, or tropical forest ecosystems whether dry or moist. This bird has an estimated global population of 2,600,000 individuals. The population shows no sign of significant decline that would warrant inclusion on the IUCN Red List. The current evaluation status of Cordilleran Flycatcher is Least Concern.

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