Chicken Breeds Big Birds Chicken-like-Marsh Duck-like
Gull-like Hawk-like Hummingbird-like Long-legged-like
Owl-like Perching-like Pigeon-like Sandpiper-like
Swallow-like Tree-clinging-like Upland-ground-like Upright-perching Water-like
Carolina Wren

Carolina Wren - Bird Species | Frinvelis jishebi | ფრინველის ჯიშები

Carolina Wren


Carolina Wren: Medium-sized wren with rufous upperparts and buff underparts. Eyebrows are white, wings and tail are dark barred with white flecks. Throat and chin are white. Bill is decurved. Legs and feet are pink-gray. Range expands north when winters are mild and retracts south when harsh.

Range and Habitat

Carolina Wren: Breeds from British Columbia, Montana, and western South Dakota southward.


It is the state bird of South Carolina.
The Carollina Wren uses the skin of snakes, hair, feathers and many other materials to build their dome-shaped nests.
They are known to build multiple nests to confuse predators.
A group of wrens has many collective nouns, including a "chime", "flight", "flock", and "herd" of wrens.

The Carolina Wren has a range of more than 3 million square kilometers. The population of this bird is estimated to be around 17 million square kilometers. This bird is native to Mexico, Guatemala, Canada, Belize, Nicaragua and the United States. Currently, the Carolina Wren is rated as Least Concern. This is a downgraded rating from 2000 when it was rated as Lower Risk. As there has not been any noticeable population decline in the last few years, the Carolina Wren is not thought to be in immediate danger.

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