Olive-backed Pipit
Olive-backed Pipit: Medium-sized pipit with finely streaked, olive-green upperparts. White underparts, chin, belly and undertail coverts. The sides and breast are pale brown with bold dark streaks. The eyebrow is buff-orange in front and white behind eye. The legs and feet are pink
Range and Habitat
Olive-backed Pipit: Native to Eurasia, but sometimes strays to islands off the west coast of Alaska. Prefers open grassy areas and hills, especially along rivers and bogs, and spruce-fir forests.
In Wyoming, a snow storm buried 17 American Pipit nests for 24 hours. All of the nestlings that were 11 days or older survived.
It is a long distance migrant.
The Olive-backed Pipit is also called the Indian or Hodgson's Tree Pipit, owing to the resemblance with the Tree Pipit.
There are 40 species of pipits worldwide, they are slender and often drab with medium to long tails.