Least Storm-Petrel
Least Storm-Petrel: Small, very rare storm-petrel with dark black-brown body and short, wedge-shape tail. The wings have black wing tips and pale brown diagonal bars visible in flight. It is the smallest Pacific storm-petrel. Flight is swift and direct on deep wing beats. Often flies low over water.
Range and Habitat
Least Storm-Petrel: Breeds on rocky islands off both coasts of Baja California. In summer and fall ranges northward to San Diego County, California. Pelagic, comes ashore only to breed.
The Least Storm-Petrel was first described in 1864 by Elliott Coues, an American army surgeon, historian, ornithologist and author.
These birds feed while fluttering just above, rather than sitting on the water.
They reportedly only weigh ¾ of an ounce.